FRR Nov 2013 | Homosexual Interests and ‘Fixation’

Homosexuals today commonly assert ‘I was born that way,’ and many accept it. Some of this ‘born so’ posturing is just that — posturing. There is a great deal of evidence against the notion that homosexuals are ‘born that way.’ For instance, why should it be that an identical twin has about the same likelihood of having the homosexual preferences of his twin, as he does when compared to another non-twin sibling who does not share an identical genetic makeup? Why is it true that boys raised in cities are 3 to 4 times more apt, and those raised in religiously devout homes 3 to 4 times less apt, to have homosexual tastes as those raised in more rural areas or less religious homes? A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of ~150,000 teens aged 14–18 years old provides yet more evidence against the ‘born that way’ claim. [1]

Before looking at the study results, we should remind ourselves of a few things. About 2% of adults are obsessive-compulsive. That is, they are so fixed on something they learned or thought about, that they do it much more frequently than they ought. An example would be a good thing like washing your hands, only doing it a hundred times a day. Not so good examples include living in fear of going out, driving, etc.; or keeping or buying too many things to the point of becoming a hoarder, often unable to live in your own house for all the stuff. Probably 5–8% of adults are not necessarily obsessive-compulsive, but still ‘quirky’ — cleaning or worrying too much, eating only macaroni and cheese, etc. And almost all the rest of us have habits or tastes we like, but many of them are a minority enthusiasm at best, and at least semi-compulsive.

Anyone can become ‘fixated’ on something, especially if it is associated with a powerful emotional experience and he is ‘ripe’ for fixation. So parents are careful when they praise their child for ‘opening up to new experiences,’ because we know the first experience of a new thing — such as sex or food — is more significant. Thus, parents whose boy has been molested by a man worry (correctly) that he was ‘turned’ — a fixation might grow from the experience as he might have been ‘ripe’ at the time. And unfortunately, only time will tell — no one knows when a ‘teachable’ or ‘ready to be fixated moment’ will hit. That is why limiting exposure to corrosive influences or things known to be personally destructive is a wise strategy. In fact, since teenage boys outside of cities or who live in devout homes are less likely to encounter or be exposed to homosexuality, it may account for their lessened adoption of the practice.

Many strange or unusual sexual practices —including homosexuality, pain sex, peeping, or any other sexual practice —can readily become compulsive. Witness the ‘peeping Tom’ chap in Boulder, Colorado who was just caught hanging out inside the tank of women’s port-a-potties! Seems he had done this many times before getting caught. Of course, homosexuality is not simply another ‘sexual oddity;’ it requires cooperation of at least two people to ‘work.’ And besides sexual pleasure, it comes with the thrill of being able to ‘get away with it.’ Most male homosexuals have sex compulsively, taking satisfaction in knowing they are ‘getting revenge on society’ — often for not ‘saving’ them from adopting their predilection in the first place.

The CDC study reported that 93% of teens (mean age 15) said they were heterosexual, 5% homo/bisexual, and 2.5% were unsure. Forty-one percent of these kids reported they had, as yet, had no sexual activity. But of those who did, kids with declared homosexual interests started younger and with more partners:

  • had started sex — 44% of heterosexuals versus 68% of homo/bisexuals;
  • first sex before 13 years old: 5% of heterosexuals versus 17% of homo/bisexuals;
  • 4+ partners: 11% of heterosexuals versus 29% of homo/bisexuals.

It is also instructive to note what kind of sex they had, relative to their stated sexual interests:

  • 54% had only had heterosexual sex; this subgroup was comprised of 96% heterosexuals, 0.4% homosexuals, and 2% bisexuals;
  • 2.5% had only had homosexual sex, comprised of 62% heterosexuals, 22% homosexuals, and 11% bisexuals;
  • 3.3% had had both kinds of sex, comprised of 30% heterosexuals, 9% homosexuals, and 51% bisexuals.

If homosexuals are ‘born that way’ how could almost half of them (48%) have had sexual contact with the opposite sex? Indeed, how could 20% of them have only had sex with the opposite sex? In addition, most — 62% — who reported only homosexual sex identified themselves as heterosexual. Indeed, almost 5% of sexually-active heterosexuals engaged in homosexual sexual contact, 60% of them exclusively! While some of these teens may have lied about their sexual identity or experiences, or been confused by the questions, the results were fairly consistent across a number of different states and cities. Overall, these findings simply do not fit a ‘born that way’ explanation.

But if we allow that sexual proclivities are like other tastes and habits — learned, but with ‘fixation’ occurring here and there— then it makes more sense. About 10 percent of teens having sex engage in homosexual sex; by adulthood the fraction that engages in homosexuality drops to 2–3%. This does not fit a ‘born that way’ model. The fraction of teenagers with blue eyes does not decline two-thirds when they reach adulthood. But it does fit a learning model, much like the proportion of kids who HAVE to have Mac and Cheese at any restaurant drops precipitously after age 11 or so (even though a few end up as adults still demanding only Mac and Cheese, and getting socially crippled as a consequence).

Many individuals in the CDC study tried homosexuality and apparently most did not like it, or maybe did not become fixated. Some — a minority — were ripe and/or liked it, and at the time of the interview, said they were homosexual. If someone is born black, we never find them starting out white, or switching to white for a while, then back. If you are ‘born that way,’ you start out ‘that way.’

As C.S. Lewis noted, sexual problems can be quite intractable. But intractable does not mean ‘born that way.’ We know if you try something, you might get ‘hooked.’ That is why trying a drug is unwise — who knows whether you are susceptible? The same is true of sex — a try puts you at risk of developing a predilection that is difficult to change no matter how socially awkward (as the above port-a-potty chap) or personally destructive (as homosexuality).

Alfred Kinsey, probably the most famous sex researcher, personally majored in homosexuality, but he was also married. He cheated with other women, as well as with larger numbers of men (and demanded his wife cheat on him so he could watch). He traced his taste for homosexuality to early childhood when a number of kids gathered round exhibiting and sexually fiddling with each other. He fixated on the boys instead of the girls, so Kinsey believed that sexual preferences were “choices.”

The CDC study scotches the claims by homosexual activists that all homosexuals “had these feelings all their life.” Clearly, many teens are sexually flexible. What their sexual (or gustatory) preferences will be at age 20 or 25 is uncertain. But sexual flexibility is the norm for non-heterosexuals. Many had ‘gone both ways’ depending on the circumstances, and many apparently quit homosexuality. From other studies, it appears that only about 10% of gays and 3% of lesbians only have sex with their own sex in adulthood. If they were ‘born’ with a homosexual proclivity, how can they stomach or even desire to have sex with the opposite sex?

The CDC findings also echo what has been reported in many smaller studies. Those with non- heterosexual interests were, by almost every index, more disruptive and personally disturbed. Homo/bisexual students were more apt to:

  • ride with a drinking driver (35% versus 23% for heterosexuals)
  • carry a weapon (22% versus 14%) or a gun (10% versus 4%) in the previous 30 days
  • have had a physical fight in the last year (42% versus 29%)
  • have been hit, slapped, or hurt by a sex partner in the last year (25% versus10%)
  • have been raped (23% versus 7%); gotten high before last sex (32% versus 19%)
  • carry a weapon (gun, knife, club) at school in the last 30 days (14% versus 5%)
  • be in a fight at school in last 12 months (20% versus 11%)
  • feel sad or hopeless (49% versus 25%); ever inject illegal drugs (11% versus 2%)
  • attempt suicide (27% versus 6%), or have medical treatment for attempted suicide (12% versus 2%)
  • smoke (31% versus 14%); or do alcohol and/or marijuana (35% versus 22%) before age 13
  • use a computer 3 hrs+/day (36% versus 28%)
  • vomit to lose weight (17% versus 5%)

All in all, differences between homosexual kids and straight kids are similar to those for homosexual versus straight adults. Greater drug use, sexual violence, etc. by homosexuals appear to be extensions of their youth. But homosexual adults impose even higher costs to society through STDs and recruitment of children, and biologically they are ‘rewarded’ with a shorter lifespan.

Whether disturbed kids take up homosexuality or their uptake of homosexuality produces their disturbance cannot be determined. But almost everything we know about health is epidemiological in nature — that is, X goes with Y. Because smoking is associated with a list of harms, the CDC seeks to keep kids from starting a bad habit. This makes sense; you would not expect it to advocate ‘safer smoking techniques.’ But what does the CDC say about the longer and more dangerous list of harms associated with homosexuality?

“Effective state and local public health and school health policies and practices should be developed to help reduce the prevalence of health-risk behaviors and improve health outcomes among sexual minority youths.”

Nothing about preventing kids from becoming “sexual minorities” in the first place. The political corruption of policy could not be more stark.

Pakistan — Steeped in Homosexuality and Violence

FRI has been tracking Pakistan; it may be the future of the West. Why? Not because of its Islamic religion or the bombings on Islam’s behalf, but rather its widespread male homosexuality. Looking at press reports from 2003–2008, we found that Pakistan averaged one child rape and murder per 1.5 million inhabitants/year and 43% of the victims were boys.[2] In comparison, in the English-speaking West 2003–2008, one child was raped and murdered for every 11 million people and 33% of the victims were boys.

Sexual abuse of children in Pakistan is all across society. While the Sandusky/Penn State affair was terrible, only one perpetrator seems to have been involved. In contrast, Pakistani protesters filled the streets this year after a four-year-old boy was sodomized by the principal and other staff members of the kindergarten he attended.[3]

At a November 2009 conference in Lahore on child abuse, Punjab Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Rana Sanaullah, said the “majority of children admitted to Madrassas to get religious education were [sexually] abused.” Since only 6% of the 4 million Pakistani Madrassas students are girls, the sexual abuse was overwhelmingly homosexual.

And the trend is continuing. Pakistan registered 70 rape and murders of children in 2012; 28 (40%) of the victims were boys. All told, 618 rapes were recorded by Sahil: 260 (42%) were of boys being forcibly sodomized. If Western homosexuality gains the status and prevalence it has in Pakistan, stories such as the gang rape of the kindergartener will start to grace our news.

  1. MMWR 6/10/11 Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9–12 — Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, Selected Sites, United States, 2001–2009

  2. Cameron P (in press) Indexing societal violence via rate of rape/murder of children: Pakistan vs. English Christendom: homosexual vs. heterosexual molestation of children (Russian).

  3. Sahil, News Release for Cruel numbers: 2012 (on line)