Happy New Year!

As 2012 comes to a close, take a moment to think about whom you support financially. Many organizations share your values. So why support Family Research Institute (FRI)?

  1. FRI’s staff are ‘scientific experts.’ The world has changed. Even though a lot of social science and public health is ‘common sense,’ unless ‘experts’ say it, judges, legislators, and the professional public are reluctant to accept it. FRI’s core consists of honest-to-goodness scientists: a social psychologist and a statistician, both Ph.D.s and both extensively published in the profession.
  2. FRI makes a difference. FRI has been instrumental in a several public health initiatives, including discriminating against smokers because of the harms to non-smokers (Chairman Paul Cameron was the first scientist to document the health effects of secondhand smoke on kids — and coined the term ‘secondhand smoke’); getting gay blood banned from the blood banks; segregating HIV+ prisoners; and having donated blood tested for HIV-2. Some of you reading this may have had your life saved by one or more of these initiatives!
  3. The champions of gay rights largely reserve their professional attacks for FRI. Martha Nussbaum, often considered the current reigning ‘scholar of the left’ has attacked FRI and FRI’s chairman, Paul Cameron, in a number of books, articles and speeches. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) — a radical leftist organization — has attacked many organizations lately for being against gay rights. But the first one it attacked was FRI.
  4. FRI has a significant presence in Eastern Europe where gay rights is not only being opposed, but actively reversed. Russia has adopted FRI’s suggestion that gay pride parades be banned. We also have contacts with many parliamentarians across the political spectrum.
  5. FRI is working on a number of major new investigations that will increase the influence and power of those opposing the homosexual movement. Science is the ‘bible’ of our times. We are working on new empirical studies that will not only bedevil the homosexual movement, but embarrass its supporters!

The Real Deal

Well-known gay activist/scholar Alvin McEwen’s 2007 attack on FRI’s chairman was quite revealing:

“In looking at the inner workings of how [the] so-called ‘pro-family’ groups create studies about the gay and lesbian community, you have to look at the roots of how they get their ‘research.’ If there is one person who has a sustained legacy in this area, Paul Cameron, head of the Family Research Institute…, would get the prize. Sheldon, Dobson, etc., may be the leaders and the spokespeople of the anti-gay industry, but it is Cameron who has provided the framework for almost every study, statistic, and claim that the anti-gay industry uses against the gay and lesbian community. All forms of anti-gay propaganda they use are rooted in some form or another in his work.” (emphasis added, 2007, pp. 40-41)

Please consider donating generously to Family Research Institute. Your money will be well spent!